Skillbuilder: Develop Your Workforce

Our customized SkillBuilder platform identifies and addresses core skills and location-specific requirements, and provides you with an easy-to-understand framework for creating individual development plans.

Trusted to develop some of the world’s most skilled workforces.

Our Assessment-Building Process:

  • 1. Analyze Job

    Complete a detailed job analysis using current job analysis work and your current “skill” documents as a starting point. What competencies are critical to safe and successful job performance?

  • 2. Rate Competence

    Using the job analysis results, determine the level of assurance you need for each competency. You need a high level of assurance that the people doing the most safety-sensitive tasks are absolutely competent.

  • 3. Measure Criticalness of Tasks

    Build (or select) competency measures at the level of accuracy you desire. Generally, assessments can be ranked from most to least accurate.

  • 4. Conduct Assessments

    Use the SkillBuilder program with composite scoring across all measures to identify individual and group competencies in need of further development. SkillBuilder serves as both the testing and reporting platform.

  • 5. Close Gaps

    Close skill gaps through appropriate training (improve workers’ skills), scheduling (make sure a competent worker is always present), selection (hire highly-competent workers), or job design (remove the need for competency through automation or other means).

  • 6. Monitor and Improve

    Monitor and improve competency assurance program on an ongoing basis.

    The competency assurance program can be updated as job requirements change.

SkillBuilder harnesses a proven technology framework, without the disadvantages of off-the-shelf solutions that never quite fit.

When a seven-location petrochemical company wanted to build a competency assurance program that wasn’t linked to proprietary training solutions, they turned to SkillBuilder. By working with local job experts, we were able to create a core program for their workforce. Then, we added site-by-site modifications to account for important differences across the organization.

Why use customized training?

Customized training typically saves companies significant amounts of money

Employees prefer individualized training plans

Custom training allows for upskilling- preferable to “minimum standards” training

An intuitive browser-based platform that does it all.

Skillbuilder has all the features needed to drive individual skill development, and provides easy-to-use benchmarking and tracking capabilities for your entire workforce.

  • Run skill assessment tests from SkillBuilder

  • Store test data

  • View reports from the SkillBuilder dashboard

Schedule a demo of SkillBuilder Today!