HireScore FUEL Assessment

The FUEL Assessment revolutionizes pre-employment screening for control operators, board operators, or anybody involved in moving process liquid from tank to tank while following detailed safety guidelines. While experience may be helpful, it requires no prior knowledge and highlights a person’s ability to learn, adapt, and follow detailed safety protocols. No off-the-shelf assessment can match the FUEL Assessment’s ability to ensure that applicants have what it takes to be successful in your safety oriented roles.

Understanding the Role of Control Operators

Control Operators or Board Operators, manage plant systems, monitor equipment, and ensure safe and efficient operations. They switch between multiple screens, communicate with field personnel, and address issues before they escalate. Often these operators need extensive training, handle constant interruptions, and anticipate problems to prevent serious issues. The FUEL Assessment by HireScore evaluates these critical skills, ensuring candidates are prepared for this demanding role in a modern and candidate-friendly way.

FUEL Assessment: Optimizing Candidate Evaluation

The FUEL Assessment is a sophisticated tool designed to evaluate the essential skills and aptitudes for control operators. This computer simulation exercise customizes scenarios based on the specific job and company success factors, optimizing its effectiveness and accuracy in evaluating candidates. Participants are required to follow operating procedures, adhere to safety priorities, and manage various issues that arise, providing a realistic job preview. By evaluating candidates across a range of competencies, the assessment allows employers to physically identify which candidates are most likely to excel in the specific role, ensuring better hiring outcomes and job performance.

Accurately Assessing Your Candidate’s Capabilities

  • Process Flow Management

    Measure how applicants open and close valves, operate pumps, and manage intricate process flows efficiently.

  • Adaptability and Learning

    Evaluate candidates' capacity to quickly grasp new information and follow evolving procedures.

  • Risk Mitigation

    Identify candidates' aptitude for minimizing negative outcomes and responding effectively to emergencies.

  • Composure Under Stress

    Assess how candidates maintain their cool and make sound decisions during high-stress situations.

Assessment Administration: FUEL Assessment Vs. Traditional Assessments

Many traditional operator evaluation assessments are outdated and can harm the candidate's experience. Often these assessments take around 4 hours to complete and must be done on-site leading to a higher candidate drop-off rate.

The FUEL assessment tackles these challenges head-on. The assessment is administered online through HireScore’s test administration software.  It takes approximately one hour to complete and can be done from the comfort of the candidate’s home. Candidates are invited to take the assessment through HireScore (or an ATS integrated with Hirescore).

The test itself is then completed at the candidate’s convenience, through an online proctoring service called Proctor Free. This requires a computer with a camera (i.e. no phones or tablets).

To protect test integrity,  candidate test sessions are recorded. This recording includes:

1) A facial recording while taking  the test and

2) A recording of the candidate’s computer screen throughout the assessment. 

Suspicious behavior is flagged and available for review.

Ready to see if HireScore’s FUEL Assessment will work for you?

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