Why HireScore?

At HireScore, we refuse to settle for mediocrity, igniting a revolution that surpasses conventional hiring standards. We are here to redefine what is possible, setting new benchmarks that were once unimaginable. Whether you're a smaller business or a global enterprise, we are your compass through the uncharted waters of people analytics, guiding you with seamless expertise and unrivaled success.

Say Goodbye to the Old Ways: How HireScore Redefines Hiring Success

Join the forward-thinkers: These trusted organizations have already transitioned to the new era of hiring with HireScore.

First Things First, Get Rid of Inaccurate and Time Consuming Resumes

Screening with Precision: Why We Skip the Resume

At HireScore, we revolutionize the first step of hiring by bypassing traditional resumes. Our screening surveys dig deeper, targeting the core of what makes a candidate fit for the role. Crafted by experts, these surveys are designed to reveal the true potential of applicants, focusing on competencies and fit rather than just past experiences. This innovative approach ensures a more accurate, fair, and inclusive screening process, setting the stage for better hiring decisions from the start. If the candidates don’t pass your specific screening requirements, they will not move forward to the next steps ensuring you are focused on the best candidates for the job. It’s also a plus not having to spend hours of your day flipping through resumes.

Head-to-head research shows that the HireScore PreScreening Survey is 40% more accurate than traditional resumes. Not only is it more accurate, it provides a better candidate experience. The candidate will no longer have to go through the pain of crafting the perfect resume or worry about keyword scanning, rather they will just have to answer a short series of questions that are job-related. With our no-resume approach, you won’t just experience a more accurate and fair application process, you will see a decrease in the applicant fall-off rate.

Resume Vs. HireScore: Take the Test

Say Goodbye to One Size Fits All: Say Hello to Accuracy

At HireScore, we understand that no two jobs or companies are the same. That's why we offer unparalleled customization capabilities, ensuring that every aspect of your hiring process is meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs of your specific job roles and company success factors. Unlike other platforms that offer one-size-fits-all solutions, HireScore dives deep into what makes your company and each position within it unique.

Our approach begins with understanding the distinct attributes of each role and customizing not just the platform but every step of the hiring process to align with these insights. This means that the way candidates are sourced, screened, assessed, and ultimately ranked will be different based on the specific job and your company’s success factors. This ensures your tailored process is specifically designed to uncover the best fit for the role and your company.

Each Assessment Score Weighed Differently Based on Importance to the Specific Job

Customer Service Representative Programmer

Hiring by the Numbers: Our Science Backed Approach

Our hiring process isn’t just intuitive—it's scientific. Developed in collaboration with Ph.D. I/O Psychologists, HireScore’s methodology is rigorously data-driven. We utilize the latest in decision-making science to analyze and predict candidate success, transforming vast amounts of data into actionable insights. This ensures every hiring decision is grounded in evidence, significantly improving the quality of your hires, reducing biases, and aligning them with your company's needs and culture. Our science-backed approach is also why we can provide a very accurate candidate ranking system to help companies achieve a 95% hiring success rate compared to the standard 50-70%.

Don’t Just Stop at Indeed: Start Posting Everywhere

For everything else to work, first you need the applicants. Unlock the full potential of your talent search with HireScore. Our expertise and broad access to thousands of job boards, from industry giants like Indeed to specialized niche platforms, ensure your openings capture the attention of the finest candidates. With HireScore, experience a surge in quality applicants, broadening your talent pool beyond boundaries. Unlike other platforms, we don’t stop at sourcing candidates, we will also track every post to see where applicants came from and the quality of the applicants to continuously optimize the posting budget. Experience a 2-10X increase in your applicant pool with HireScore.

Candidate First Thinking

At HireScore, we prioritize the candidate experience above all else, understanding that the journey of applicants is not just a step in the hiring process but a reflection of your company's values and culture. Our approach ensures that every interaction a candidate has with your organization’s hiring process is positive, seamless, and respectful. By focusing on the human aspect of recruitment, we foster an environment where candidates feel valued from the very first touchpoint. During each phase, we also track candidate friction and dropoff points to further improve their journey. We also provide email templates and easy communication methods so you can communicate with your candidates directly on the platform. This not only increases the likelihood of attracting top talent but also amplifies your brand in the job market. With HireScore, you're not just filling positions; you're building lasting relationships with future team members.

Refusing Mediocracy: Setting New Hiring Standards

HireScore is committed to perpetual enhancement with our unique Continuous Improvement Feedback Loop. This system uses real-time data from your hiring outcomes to refine and perfect your hiring process constantly. It’s a dynamic approach that adapts to your evolving needs, ensuring our solutions not only meet but exceed expectations. By making adjustments based on concrete results, we ensure that your hiring process is always at the forefront of efficiency and effectiveness. Make every hire better than the last with HireScore.

Hiring Success Rate (%)

Beyond Software: Our Team’s Commitment to Your Success

At HireScore, support extends far beyond software troubleshooting. Our team, comprised of hiring experts and seasoned developers, provides comprehensive support tailored to your specific hiring challenges. From technical assistance to strategic hiring advice, we’re here every step of the way. This personalized support ensures not only a smooth operational experience but also a partnership focused on enhancing your hiring outcomes and achieving long-term success. Partnering with us means embracing complete transparency. Boasting over a decade of experience in refining recruitment strategies, we're committed to your success. If there's a way to enhance your hiring process, expect us to share it. Your victory is ours, too.

Shannon Whitehouse

Project Manager

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